More American Culture
Stokely, still yawning it out!
Here's a place that's gotten a lot of air time recently. What, you don't recognize it? That's Main Street, Wasilla, for crying out loud! And the library we heard so much about. Sure, there's no Donut King on every main street (although there should be... delicious maple bars, mmm), but it would be fair to say that the main street (incidentally not Main Street, but rather the Parks Highway #3) does look a lot like every other strip mally place in this good old U S of A.How did we wind up in Wasilla? Seeing the sun, and realizing we still need a picture of the fam for our Christmas Cards, we headed north for some prime photography opportunities. The sun wasn't exactly blazing. Yes, that's -10. So our modeling sessions were limited. Highly.
On the way back we checked out Alpenglow, another of Anchorage's ski areas. It's on Fort Richardson, an army base, so that makes it interesting. The signs say 'speed limit 30, 10 if troops present.' In any event, it looks like a super fun hill. We caught a lovely sunset. At 3:30 PM. Alaska!
The real intro to American Culture came during the evening entertainment session. Rage City Roller Derby! Watch out! The athlete's names were the best part. Here are two of our favorites:
Sarah Im-Palin
Spenard Itch
(That's funny because Spenard is the seedy part of town.)
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