Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Blue sky powder turns. He's got the form down already!

Listen to Boodah laughing!

So, we couldn't wait until Christmas, or even Solstice to give Boodah his present. The sun was shining! Who knows how long it will last? The first two weeks we were here we saw the sun once, so we felt motivated to get out there and play in the light.

Okay, the boots may be a little too big... we've actually replaced them with a size that fits. But the laughter, the laughter is contagious!

Paxson Revel Boodah Name-Brand Williams. Actually, we got quite a deal on the whole package due to our newfound shopping prowess. Plus, Burton really does make excellent stuff. Burton in China I should say. They really make sure the Chinese factories make excellent stuff.

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