Friday, December 21, 2007

Harlem Globetrotters In Town!

Sounds exciting, doesn't it! If only it were true. The Harlem Ambassadors were, though.

(They are in no way affiliated with or related to that other team, as the Ambassadors proudly proclaim on their website. Excerpt from interview: "“Are you affiliated with that other Harlem team?” (laughing) You know, organizationally we don’t say the “G” word. Sure, there is a long history and a great public awareness of that other team. But time after time, we get told by fans that have seen both teams that our show is better.")

(what he doesn't add, out loud anyway, is the part where he explains how he's not too proud to have a name eerily similar to "the "G" word" and the exact same colors as that "G" team.)

They did their best to entertain. Though they weren't quite on par with the real deal, they get an A for effort. So what if they are actually based out of Colorado. They made the trip out here to the end of the world, didn't they?

And they at least deserve credit for getting half of the audience out on to the court at one point during the show. Senor wasn't afraid to join in the festivities. In case you were wondering, his shirt says "CHICK MAGNET." (Thanks Grammy and Auntie Rainold.)

I think the highlight for many people was the real actual McDonald's cheeseburgers for sale. At a mere $3.00 a shot, or two for $5, it was a treat for the rugrats and the grown-ups alike. Health and fitness!

Mr. still can't really say much besides ball. In fact, he's cut down considerably on saying even ball. However, he's figured out better ways to communicate. When he wants to go outside, which is often (we've added Shackleton to his list of monikers), he just starts bringing you shoes and hats and coats until you get the point. Outside!

Outside, duh.

But with the often burly weather around here, he often has to content himself with an old fashioned indoor horsey ride.

Hey, here's our tree. And HAPPY SOLSTICE by the way. Notice the absolute lack of any decorations within Boodah's reach. And notice the star on top - that's straight from the Baby Einstein changing station. Dual use!

Shackleton's second favorite indoor game? Turning the answering machine off and on. "Answering machine OFF. Answering machine ON. Answering machine OFF. Answering machine ON." It never gets old! Ahhh, to be young again.

Here he is, showing us how to play.

Here's the latest in Shackleton's decor.

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