Sunday, December 13, 2009

Winter Time

Winter came and went. It sure was fun, though! Snow angels in our yard, ice skating, etc. Fortunately, Kodiak has a free refrigerated skating rink, so regardless of the temperature we always have that option for winter-time fun.

Here's Boodah-Dude, enjoying December 12 on the deck. Yes, that's a short-sleeve t-shirt. But back in November, winter was awesome!

We're still holding out for a white Christmas! Yesterday it was a bit foggy, so we drove up of Pillar Mountain in the hopes of finding a sunbeam.


Snowbow. Or Fogbow. Or Albino Rainbow. I'm not sure the technical term.

It felt otherworldly up there. Hoarfrost everywhere. Nice light.

Here's November:

And December:

Don't be fooled by the white stuff... it's just frost. Yes, our neighbor's lawn is summertime green.

Okay, here's the winter fun we enjoyed while it lasted:

Boodah is turning Mama into a hockey-mom. Where's my lipstick? (I don't want to be mistaken for a pit bull or something crazy like that.)

Okay, so the whole family is in on the act. You know what they say, the family that skates together... wait a minute, that's a different saying. Anyway, it's a smile generating activity. Humbling.

The whole family is starting at the same skill and experience level. Blind leading the blind comes to mind.

Of course the tree is up. And, it's only fallen over once! Where are the engineers in this family?

We like indoor sports, too. Our favorites are all food related. Eating whip cream.

Ginger bread willage building... And eating.

The willage is another reminder of our family engineer dearth. But it's much tastier than a tumbling tree. There's much more satisfaction in ginger bread willage demolition work.

The final endlessly fun indoor sport is fort building. If we could only figure out a way to get food consumption involved, it'd probably become our number one indoor sport.

And finally, one last set of sunny winter beach shots:

Ah, winter!


Akensee4miles said...

Boy that Kodiak sure is photogenic. Nice shots!

Meghan said...

Love the photos!