Sunday, January 06, 2008

Merry Christmas?

We undecorated Buck a couple of days ago, but Boodah just doesn't want to let go of the holiday spirit. He dug out the hat and put it on, all on his own initiative. It was cute.

Yes, I know it's also totally a "he was looking at this grape" story as well. I guess you just had to be there.

Yesterday Pax Rev got in his very first powder turns. It was easy really. He just let the board do all the work. And his dad.

Genevieve's recent reads:

Paxson Revel's:

And we're all excited about this big stack of books (and Steve Earle CD) we got with our Barnes and Noble gift certificate (thanks Uncle Nate and Aunt Nicole). It's amazing how much you get when you shop online from the bargain section!

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