Saturday, May 12, 2007

We've been faithfully following the guidelines on gradually introducing solid foods into P-Rev's diet. So far we've had rice, oatmeal, bananas, strawberries, peas, potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, applesauce, and carrots. Now, mmmm, the ever so tasty severed finger...

Well, maybe it's not so tasty.
He actually loves it though. It's one of his favorite toys, courtesy of Chuck Palahniuk.

Here's a fine example of Pax Rev's usual toy preference. Namely, anything BUT toys.

Here we have a friendly neighborhood fox hanging out, enjoying the 20 minutes per week of sun.

Revel-Roo and Dawson also soak it up while they can.

Our other highlight of the weekend was going to the big concert. Vinnie James. Hey Mister, how big is the world? And his dad (who incidentally went by the name of Rev) was the true life inspiration behind the movie Iron Eagle. One man, one mission.

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