Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Reflections on time

Can you believe it's been 15 years since Dawson and I graduated from high school. And almost 20 years since we first walked the halls of Hellgate High as freshmen? (Yes, for you math wizards out there, 19 years). Well, I can't. I've been thinking about the passage of time alot lately. Maybe it's parenthood or moving to a new town or I don't know what, but the subject has been on my mind lately. In one way, it seems like a long time ago, and in another way it was just yesterday. The high school kids here sure look young. But I think we still think we're in our twenty-somethings and are surprised when people in that age category don't think we necessarily belong there. I guess it has been a long time since I've been carded...

Anyway, here's Senor getting back to his roots!

And his Montana roots in general...

(Yes, those pictures are blurry because he can't sit up yet! He's on his way down, but he doesn't seem to mind)

Thanks to Maureen and Ken Brown for the Hellgate hoodie and to the Great Falls Cook Family (Betty, Kevin and Lisa, Brian, Carrie and James, and Bethany) for the Montana Grizzlies onesie, and Mike Fredrickson and Laura Fox for the Grizzlies socks! And to Anna and Bob Deschamps for the little lion. We're lucky to have so many generous friends and family!!!

1 comment:

Aileen said...

A few weeks ago, KYUK featured Pearl Jam and Nirvana on the Geiser Rock show. It hit me hard. First, that glow of listening to music that sort of epitomizes good times. For me, it really epitomizes driving to the resevoir in a car filled with friends drinking Diet Cokes just days after our graduation. Then, suddenly, the gut-slam of realizing that it is being played in lieu of Led Zeppelin. But the crux of my no-longer-20's angst, when I really realized that I was older than I felt, was during a radio advertisement - one of those public service ones that encourages parents to talk to their children - when a teenager told her dad that he sounded like a "hippy-grandpa." As a daughter of a hippie and the prim (and therefore often exasperated) school-marm that loved him, does this mean that teen-slang just bumped me up into the generation of parent?
p.s. Pax Rev - cute as always! I love the motion shots.