Saturday, September 10, 2011

Road's End

When was the last time you were at a restaurant and somebody rode up on a horse, tied it up, popped in for three cans of soda, then galloped off into the forest? Our camera batteries died, so we have to rely on old fashioned words, but that happened today at the Road's End Restaurant in Chiniak. The best part is the horse rider was a thirteen year old girl.

We really wanted to take a picture of the parking lot. Three ATVs, one car with surfboards, one truck, and one horse. Did I mention that the girl was riding bareback? It really was like something out of a movie. One that would be met with a healthy, "Yeah, right, like that would ever happen." We didn't catch the horse-rider's name. It's probably Katniss.

Our other highlights of the day... coming home with a fresh silver. The second silver we've come home with. Genevieve is the definite breadwinner here. She's got the strategy down. Dinner will be so tasty!

And of course, excellent surf at Pasagshak. And beach wandering and horse watching. And tasty cinnamon rolls at Flyby. All in all, a great Saturday.

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