Tuesday, May 25, 2010

World's Greatest Hitchhiker

The alternative title was "Why baby thumbs and slamming doors don't mix." Yesterday was pretty exciting. We took our first family trip to the Emergency Room. Paxson has been on a door slamming kick lately, and Stoko's thumb was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Fortunately, the doctors sewed it right back on. For the next few days he's permanently hitchhiking.

Seriously, he's alright. His thumb didn't get cut off, it just looked that way. (It was just the fleshy part.) We've cleaned up most of the blood and you'd never know anything had ever been amiss. Except for Stoko's new giant blue thumb, of course. It's happy to see him back to his normal self.

Stoko, taking care of baby. He loves baby!


Team Shadow said...

awww...kiss it for us - no life flights, please!

Arashiwill said...

Hi Dawson and Genevieve. Is stokley alright?
That must have hurt.
I feel bad for him.

see you back in alaska.

Team Wilco said...

Yep, it's all right! Looking forward to seeing you all back in AK!! We missed you in Florida.