Cordova City Part 2
After not catching fish for a few hours, we went back in to town to hike and pick berries.
The Cordova ski club bought Sun Valley's original chairlift (lots of history - Hemingway rode it) and installed it right in town, so in the winter when the powder's deep you can ride North America's oldest ski lift up the hill for some sweet turns. In summer, the ski area also doubles as a nice day hike offering spectacular views.
At the mid-mountain stop, we couldn't resist a photo op with Boodah on the chair – but we failed to notice this sign:
Needless to say, we were quite surprised when, 30 seconds after taking Boodah off the chair, it started moving. And moving fast. Yikes! Definite disqualification from the parent of the year award!
The ski hill was loaded with the berries.
Which explains why it took us three hours to summit. (Couldn't possibly be related to being out of shape.)
Boodah LOVED the berries. A significant part of our vacation consisted of
changing some very messy berry laden diapers. About seven a day, in case you wanted specifics.
Day Three:
The next day we attempted to catch silvers at another location.
We hiked a couple miles down the Eyak River to a fabled spot. Along the way we saw loads of bear sign and some HUGE bear tracks. We were nervous, but we didn't see any bears. And we took
solace from the fact that no group larger than 6 has ever been attacked by a bear. (Whether that's an accurate fact, we aren't sure, but it's reassuring if you're in a party of six.) Again, we caught no silvers. And again, Carey, the ultimate fishing ninja, caught them effortlessly! He and Sam both caught silvers. They have the silver touch. Here's Genevieve with a real fighter on the line! But alas, it got away. With the lure. As if not catching silvers was enough of a sportsmen healthy self confidence destroyer, Justin and Dawson also attempted to catch Halibut off the town docks, as avid fisherman in Cordova sometimes do. They just weren't biting. (Of course, Jake and Megan arrived later that day. Jake hooked a silver within about 5 minutes. Hmmm.)
Up next: Hichinbrook Mission:
Up bright and early, we checked out of the King's Chamber and made our way to the City Airport, which
consists of a gravel strip adjacent to the road along Lake Eyak. Boodah got some of his first flight hours on the flight.
This was the part of the adventure that reached high soggy levels. Sogification extreme. Naturally, the dudes built a large fire outside. And got drenched. The smarter half of the group stayed indoors.
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